Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lest, Right, Straight..

Where do I go?
Left, right, straight, where should i go??
A complex web of thoughts, confusing thoughts occupy the mind.
What should i do, where should i go..Theres too much to do in life and the Utopian world of balancing everything that i had thought of, seems to be fading away, seems more like a dream than ever before. But where do i stop?? How do i decide what is achievable and what is just out of my reach and what is a dream and what can be a reality..Is the world of balance, the world where everything happens simultaneously, where you can adjust so that you don't have to compromise on one thing for another, a reality or a distant dream...
And if its a dream, where should i compromise? how should i decide what is important and what is not. Spending precious seconds of time enjoying the moments of life right now seems important to me but leave me with a sense of incompleteness, a sense of regret and guilt. Guilt that i am not doing what i am supposed to, that this is not supposed to be like this, But who decides what i am supposed to do and what i am not?? it should be me..
How do i strike that perfect balance ?? How do i do things worth 48 hours in a day of 24 hours in which time flies past like a gush of wind..
How do i control my thoghts? How do i bring down my expectations of myself.. How do i make myself understand that i cant have everything in this world, that i cant achieve anything and everything that i think of, that this world after all is NOT a Utopian world , this is reality and reality doesn't work that way
How do prioritize things when each one seems of equal importance to me??
How do i sort my tangled thoughts, how do i soften this storm of thoughts, how do i find a direction
Where should i go?? left, right, straight..........

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